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Download the Full Movie of Zombie Attack in Jerusalem: World War Z's Best Action Scene

Zombie Attack in Jerusalem: A Full Movie Review

If you are looking for a horror movie that combines zombies, religion, and found footage, you might be interested in Zombie Attack in Jerusalem. This is a 2015 Israeli supernatural horror film that follows two American tourists who get caught up in a biblical nightmare when Jerusalem is invaded by winged demons. The film was written and directed by Doron and Yoav Paz, and stars Yael Grobglas, Yon Tumarkin, Danielle Jadelyn, and Tom Graziani.

In this article, we will review Zombie Attack in Jerusalem in detail. We will give you a synopsis of the movie's plot, analyze its setting, themes, and style, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, compare it to other zombie movies, and give you our verdict on whether it is worth watching or not. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about the movie at the end.

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What is the movie about?

Zombie Attack in Jerusalem begins with a flashback to 1972, when two priests record an exorcism on a woman who died three days before. The woman turns out to be possessed by a demonic creature with leather wings that tries to kill them. The priests manage to shoot her dead with a derringer. The narrator states that this was the first proof of a gateway to Hell in Jerusalem.

The film then shifts to the present day, where two Jewish American friends Rachel (Yael Grobglas) and Sarah (Danielle Jadelyn) plan a vacation to Tel Aviv. Sarah is grieving over her brother's death and her father gives her a pair of smart glasses that record everything she sees. On their flight to Israel, they meet Kevin (Yon Tumarkin), an American student who is fascinated by religious mythology. He convinces them to join him on his trip to Jerusalem instead.

They arrive in Jerusalem and check into a hostel run by Omar (Tom Graziani) and his father Fauzi. They explore the city's landmarks and nightlife with Kevin and Omar. They also encounter a local man who claims to be King David and warns them that something terrible will happen on Yom Kippur.

On Yom Kippur eve, they hear sirens and explosions outside their hostel. They turn on the TV and see that Jerusalem is under attack by winged zombies that are spreading a deadly virus. The Israeli army declares a state of emergency and seals off the city with a giant wall. The four friends try to escape the hostel and find a way out of the city, but they encounter many obstacles and dangers along the way. They also discover that the zombie attack is part of an ancient prophecy that foretells the end of the world.

How does the movie portray Jerusalem?

One of the most interesting aspects of Zombie Attack in Jerusalem is its setting. Jerusalem is a city that has a rich and complex history, culture, and religion. It is considered a holy place by Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and it has been the site of many conflicts and wars over the centuries. The movie uses this background to create a contrast between the beauty and spirituality of the city and the horror and chaos of the zombie invasion.

The movie shows us various aspects of Jerusalem, such as its architecture, monuments, markets, festivals, and people. We see the Western Wall, the Dome of the Rock, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and other sacred places. We also see the diversity and vibrancy of the city's population, as well as the tensions and conflicts that exist among different groups. The movie also incorporates some elements of Jewish and Christian mythology, such as the Ark of the Covenant, the Antichrist, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The movie also explores how Jerusalem affects the characters' identities and beliefs. Rachel and Sarah are both Jewish, but they have different levels of connection to their heritage. Rachel is more secular and cynical, while Sarah is more curious and open-minded. Kevin is a Christian who is fascinated by Jerusalem's mysteries and secrets. Omar is a Muslim who loves his city and his family. The movie shows how they react to the zombie attack differently, and how they cope with their fears, doubts, and hopes.

What are the main themes and messages of the movie?

Zombie Attack in Jerusalem is not just a mindless horror movie. It also has some deeper themes and messages that it tries to convey to the audience. Some of these themes are:

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  • Apocalypse: The movie depicts a scenario where the world is facing a catastrophic event that threatens to wipe out humanity. The zombie attack is seen as a sign of God's wrath or judgment on mankind for its sins and corruption. The movie raises questions about how people would react to such a situation, whether they would lose hope or faith, or whether they would fight for survival or redemption.

  • Faith: The movie explores the role of faith in times of crisis and despair. It shows how different characters have different beliefs and attitudes towards religion and spirituality. Some characters are devout and trust in God's plan, some are skeptical and question God's existence or goodness, some are curious and seek answers or miracles, and some are indifferent or hostile to religion. The movie also shows how faith can be a source of strength or weakness, comfort or conflict, unity or division.

  • Survival: The movie portrays the struggle of survival in a hostile and dangerous environment. It shows how the characters have to face various challenges and threats, such as zombies, soldiers, cultists, traps, and betrayal. It also shows how they have to make difficult decisions and sacrifices, such as choosing who to trust or save, or whether to kill or spare someone. The movie also shows how survival can affect one's morality and humanity, whether it makes one more compassionate or selfish, brave or cowardly, hopeful or hopeless.

  • Identity: The movie examines the concept of identity in relation to one's culture, religion, nationality, gender, and personality. It shows how the characters have different identities that shape their views and actions. It also shows how their identities are challenged or changed by their experiences in Jerusalem. The movie also shows how identity can be a source of pride or prejudice, connection or isolation, understanding or misunderstanding.

How does the movie use found footage and smart glasses?

Zombie Attack in Jerusalem is a found footage movie, which means that it is presented as if it was recorded by one of the characters using a camera or a device. In this case, most of the movie is shown through Sarah's smart glasses, which she wears throughout her trip. The smart glasses are like Google Glass, which allow her to take pictures, videos, make calls, browse the internet, and use apps. The smart glasses also have a voice assistant that talks to Sarah and gives her information and directions.

The movie uses the found footage and smart glasses technique to create a sense of realism and immersion for the viewer. The movie tries to make the viewer feel like they are seeing everything through Sarah's eyes and experiencing everything with her. The movie also uses the smart glasses to add some features and effects, such as maps, subtitles, filters, and glitches. The movie also uses the smart glasses to create some suspense and tension, such as when Sarah loses contact with her friends, or when she sees something scary or shocking.

However, the movie also has some drawbacks and limitations with this technique. The movie sometimes relies too much on the smart glasses to explain things or move the plot forward, which can make it seem contrived or convenient. The movie also sometimes breaks the logic or consistency of the found footage, such as when Sarah takes off her glasses or when the footage switches to other cameras or devices. The movie also sometimes suffers from shaky camera work, poor lighting, or low quality sound, which can make it hard to see or hear what is happening.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the movie?

Zombie Attack in Jerusalem is a movie that has some strengths and weaknesses that affect its overall quality and enjoyment. Here are some of them:

What are the best scenes and moments of the movie?

The movie has some scenes and moments that are well-done and impressive, such as:

  • The opening scene where the priests perform an exorcism on a woman who turns out to be a winged demon. This scene sets the tone and premise of the movie, and introduces the main threat and mystery.

  • The scene where the zombie attack in Jerusalem begins. This scene is chaotic and intense, as we see the city being overrun by hordes of flying zombies that attack people and buildings. This scene also shows the scale and scope of the invasion, as we see the army trying to fight back and contain the situation.

  • The scene where Sarah and her friends enter a secret tunnel under the Western Wall. This scene is creepy and suspenseful, as we see them walking through a dark and narrow passage that leads to an ancient chamber. This scene also reveals some secrets and surprises, such as the Ark of the Covenant and a cult leader who claims to be the Antichrist.

  • The scene where Sarah escapes from the cult leader's lair and runs through the streets of Jerusalem. This scene is thrilling and exhilarating, as we see Sarah dodging zombies, soldiers, explosions, and traps. This scene also shows her determination and courage, as she tries to find her friends and a way out of the city.

What are the worst scenes and moments of the movie?

The movie has some scenes and moments that are poorly-done and ridiculous, such as:

  • The scene where Sarah meets Kevin on the plane. This scene is cheesy and clichéd, as we see them flirting and bonding over their interest in Jerusalem. This scene also makes Kevin seem like a stereotypical handsome stranger who knows everything about religion and mythology.

  • The scene where Sarah and her friends party at a nightclub. This scene is boring and irrelevant, as we see them dancing, drinking, and hooking up with random people. This scene also makes them seem like shallow and irresponsible tourists who don't care about anything else.

  • The scene where Sarah sees a zombie lion at the zoo. This scene is silly and unbelievable, as we see a lion that has been infected by the zombie virus and has grown wings. This scene also makes no sense, as we don't know how or why the lion became a zombie in the first place.

  • The scene where Sarah finds out that Kevin is actually an angel. This scene is absurd and confusing, as we see Kevin reveal his true identity and purpose to Sarah. This scene also makes Kevin seem like a deus ex machina who saves Sarah from the cult leader and helps her escape the city.

How does the movie compare to other zombie movies?

Zombie Attack in Jerusalem is a movie that belongs to the zombie genre, which is a subgenre of horror that features undead creatures that feed on human flesh and spread a deadly infection. The zombie genre has been popular and influential in cinema, literature, and video games, and it has many variations and subtypes. Some of the most famous and acclaimed zombie movies are Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later, Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, World War Z, The Walking Dead, and Train to Busan.

Zombie Attack in Jerusalem is a movie that tries to be different and original from other zombie movies, by adding some elements and twists that are not common in the genre. Some of these elements are:

  • The setting of Jerusalem, which is a unique and symbolic location that adds some historical and religious dimensions to the story.

  • The use of found footage and smart glasses, which is a stylistic choice that creates a realistic and immersive perspective for the viewer.

  • The inclusion of winged zombies, which is a creative and scary design that makes the zombies more dangerous and unpredictable.

  • The connection to biblical prophecy, which is a thematic and narrative device that adds some mystery and intrigue to the story.

However, Zombie Attack in Jerusalem is also a movie that suffers from some flaws and limitations that prevent it from being a great or memorable zombie movie. Some of these flaws are:

  • The lack of originality and innovation, which is evident in the movie's plot, characters, dialogue, and scenes that are clichéd or borrowed from other movies.

  • The lack of logic and consistency, which is apparent in the movie's premise, rules, and events that are implausible or contradictory.

  • The lack of quality and polish, which is noticeable in the movie's production values, effects, sound, and editing that are low or poor.

  • The lack of depth and substance, which is obvious in the movie's themes, messages, and emotions that are shallow or superficial.

What is the verdict on the movie?

Zombie Attack in Jerusalem is a movie that has some potential and ambition, but also some problems and shortcomings. It is a movie that tries to be different and original from other zombie movies, but also fails to be consistent and convincing. It is a movie that has some scenes and moments that are well-done and impressive, but also some scenes and moments that are poorly-done and ridiculous. It is a movie that has some elements and twists that are interesting and exciting, but also some elements and twists that are absurd and confusing. It is a movie that has some themes and messages that are relevant and important, but also some themes and messages that are vague and trivial.

Therefore, our verdict on Zombie Attack in Jerusalem is that it is a mediocre and average zombie movie that might appeal to some fans of the genre, but might disappoint or annoy others. We give it a rating of 2.5 out of 5 stars. We recommend that you watch it only if you are curious or bored, but don't expect too much from it.

FAQs about Zombie Attack in Jerusalem

Here are some frequently asked questions about Zombie Attack in Jerusalem, along with brief answers:

  • Q: Is Zombie Attack in Jerusalem based on a true story?

  • A: No, Zombie Attack in Jerusalem is not based on a true story. It is a fictional horror movie that uses some historical and religious elements as part of its plot and setting.

  • Q: Is Zombie Attack in Jerusalem available on Netflix or other streaming platforms?

  • A: Yes, Zombie Attack in Jerusalem is available on Netflix and other streaming platforms, such as Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, and YouTube. You can also rent or buy it on DVD or Blu-ray.

  • Q: Is Zombie Attack in Jerusalem a sequel or a remake of another movie?

  • A: No, Zombie Attack in Jerusalem is not a sequel or a remake of another movie. It is an original movie that has no connection to any other movie.

  • Q: Is Zombie Attack in Jerusalem suitable for children or sensitive viewers?

  • A: No, Zombie Attack in Jerusalem is not suitable for children or sensitive viewers. It is a horror movie that contains scenes of violence, gore, terror, and profanity. It also deals with some dark and disturbing themes, such as apocalypse, death, and evil. It has an R rating in the US and a 15 rating in the UK.

  • Q: Is Zombie Attack in Jerusalem a good movie?

  • A: That depends on your taste and preference. Some people might find Zombie Attack in Jerusalem to be a good movie that is different and original from other zombie movies. Some people might find it to be a bad movie that is inconsistent and unconvincing. Some people might find it to be an okay movie that has some strengths and weaknesses. You can read our full review above to see our opinion and rating on the movie.


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